Monday, December 31, 2012

Farewell 2012/Hello 2013

Holly Hot Pot Party Dec. 2012 (aka Dinner & Fellowship at the Holly's)

Well, yes I've been AWOL, to say the least. It's been quite eventful since my last post. First off, I failed to keep an update about my fall season for Ultimate. In brief, great teammates... just had uber loss factors, which placed us 2nd to last place. And my family? My parents are getting ready to move back to the P.I. My sis and her little clan moved to another house. My youngest sis doin' her thang and getting ready to graduate from college. My hubs did a superb job managing the children while I adjust to working full-time.

Design Strategist (in the making)
I know I haven't posted anything about this, but yes, I got a job! It's been almost 2 months. So, less blogging, less pinning, and more productive work around the house, at the office, and makin' money for the fam bam.  It's quite a challenge to have 2 hats at a job. Strategize to plan and organize the purpose behind all design projects. Then, eventually execute the design. But, it's been a fun challenge.

However, it's a huuuuge challenge to mentally leave work at work and put on your mommy, wife, chef, housekeeper hats on. Then switch on and off and on and off day after day. The first couple of months were particularly exhausting because we were all sick w/ the cold/flu. I'll spare you the details, but lack of sleep or interrupted nights, coughing all day and one scary episode of my husband fainting one night, did not make it an easy time to be working full-time. And sometimes, the hubs forgets all that entails to be a working mother, and asks me everyday, "Honey, why are you so tired?"

Many firsts in 2012
I posted on facebook my many firsts this year.
Tirzah's first year in school.
Homeroom parent for Tirzah's teacher.
Noah & Jonah's first year in pre-school.
Learning stick shift and getting over the fear of stalling on hills.
Gym membership.
Joined local Ultimate (Frisbee) League.
Lost my wedding ring, due to my first bee sting.
Voted in Florida.
A full-time job as a mom..."
In Addition to Many Firsts

5 year old Daughter
Tiz has had her share of firsts
Biking w/o training wheels
Reading a whole book (Bernstein Bears: Spooky Old Tree) on her own
Writing & spelling out words on her own
Tossing a disc beautifully
Drawing sharks :/

The boys (Twins just born 15 months apart)
I say twins because they're practically the same in size and everybody always ask. The hardest part of them being slightly different in height, is sorting the laundry. Not much firsts for them at this point, but just a blurb.

3 year old Son
Color matching and counting to 20
Speaking in complete sentences, yet w/ an English accent and cute toddler slurs. I'll miss it so much.

2 year old baby
Talking beyond babby babbles and hubs and I love it.
Counting to 10
Self-taught fibs
Terrible 2's have hit earlier than his 2nd birthday
My little boy's favorite word, "No."
Climbing everything and everywhere

Ultimate Lady Tshirt
I sold a few items on Zazzle! It felt great to receive an email from them saying, "Your product sold on Zazzle." I probably could spend more time on this, but hmmm. Right now, I'm limited w/ time sooo I'll just see how it grows on its own. I do have another idea brewing along the same line. Let's see how time allows.
Wishful thinking for 2013
It's been quite adventurous and hasn't been easy to be away from my hometown and favorite people and places. But, I have to say that Tally is growing on me. There's a lot for us to look forward to in 2013. 

With this in mind, I hope and plan to do the listed items below (priority not according to sequence).
  • Be the first to line up at Trader Joe's grand opening in Tally
  • Take Krav Maga and/or Hagana lessons
  • Finalize our budget plans for the next couple of years
  • Home improvements according to budget plan
  • Work as a Design Strategist at my full potential and excel
  • Support Ultimate locally and internationally
  • Keep my home open weekly for dinner & fellowship, to all genuine believers and friends in Tally
  • Teach my children proper character traits
  • Children to take lessons (either one of these: Piano, TKD, Golf, Soccer, Frisbee, French)
  • Support my husband and his goals (mainly save money and shop less. heehee)

Maybe the aforementioned is a little over the top for the limited budget that we have. But, gotta pan out the details. I figure, if my professional job is to plan strategy for high-roller type companies, I could at least do it for my personal life. Hello 2013, here we come.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ultimate Mom's Top Ten Reasons


Before I get into the reasons why, here's a little blurb about my latest line of promo items.

I recently designed a few icons for my store on Some of them featured below. I just noticed how there are plenty of Soccer Mom accessories out there and if I did find Ultimate Mom promotional items...sorry to say I didn't like 'em. I went ahead and quickly put a few together.

No, I have not sold any yet. Zazzle gets a huge cut, so in order to gain a little profit I'd have to charge a reasonable percentage. It could be the price that's holding people back. Hope there are some out there who can support this cause.

I created this line to encourage moms out there to promote Ultimate, who either play or have a son and/or daughter who play this awesome sport. They can either stick a magnet on the fridge or a bumper sticker somewhere on their car. Have a conversation w/ other moms in your neighborhood about why it's a beneficial sport for children. My top ten reasons below:

Top Ten Reasons Ultimate is the best sport for kids

  1. Involves the highest standard of sportsmanship (Spirit of the Game here)
  2. Non-contact sport (minimal injuries)
  3. Covers principles from several sport (football, soccer, basketball)
  4. Speed & Agility (similar maneuvers around the field)
  5. Builds endurance (a lot of running & cutting)
  6. Technical skills with throwing the disc (deep throws, flicks, hammers, scoobers)
  7. Everyone can learn and get better
  8. Fastest growing modern-day sport in the world (there are talks about it becoming an official Olympic Sport in 2016)
  9. The most affordable sport (only need a disc, a pair of cleats, and cones)
  10. It's fun for all ages to play together

Ultimate Mom's Doodles

Well, as I endeavor to promote this sport locally I'll doodle a few strips. Currently, my daughter is in kindergarten and two boys are in daycare. While I have downtime, I do the house work, think of meals, go shopping, and yet still need to find time to look for a job, work out at the gym, practice throwing, and play a few games once or twice aside from league games. Not to mention the other social & spiritual gatherings we have.

Honestly, my job search has been inundated by my unending ideas to promote Ultimate. What to do? I guess that can be another comic strip to laugh about.

Poor hubs is not finding this passion fortunate, although it does keep me temporarily happy. I am doing my best to look for a decent job to take care of the family and catch up on some debt.

It's been a nice break having the kids in school, since I was practically either pregnant, packing up for a move, adjusting to motherhood on speed for 5 years.

I am wishful that something will work out, whether part-time or full-time. Lots of friends are praying for us. Hopefully, I don't lose too much time for the family and Ultimate of course. In the meantime, as I tell my hubs, I will combine my 2 passions, design & Ultimate, to add to my ongoing production of an ever-evolving portfolio.

Fall League

This season in my 2nd season of league, it has been an eye-opener for me. I know, I know, I'm quite behind on my posts. Ahhhh for several categories. Ugggh. Just a snippet, it's been 3 games and my team lost them all. There are several factors. For me, I'm required to do more than last season. If I make mistakes, which I have, then it majorly affects the game. Unfortunately, I'm not the only one making errors.

Last season, I barely did anything. Another comic strip. Granted I knew how to catch and run to open areas, but didn't know terms well and was confused half the time. "Huh? Cut where? Oh, it's my turn to cut?" and "What the heck does cut under mean?" By the end of that season, I think I started to pick up on everything. But, my star teammates did a lot of the work. So, I got away with not doing much, nor learning much.

This season, I'm trying to do more, cutting in the right spot and completing passes 98% of the time. However, I've been sheepish on my throws. If pick-up has taught me anything, it has trained my arm to throw deep. I guess it's not a common thing for a girl to do it?

When I hucked it deep during a club's open practice, they were surprised. I would throw hard enough for the receiver to catch in the red zone, a few yards shy of the end zone. Anyway, the downside is I lack control and technique. I try to throw a dump (back to the handler like a point guard) and then it floats pass the dude.

Or, I try to lightly pass it for fear of throwing it too hard and it goes AWOL. Then, my flicks/forehand throws. Oh no. I can easily throw solid ones during practice and then during the game I don't know what happens. Hopefully, our 4th game's a charm with Zone plays allowed. Wish us luck.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Not a Soccer Mom - I'm an Ultimate Mom

This Fall, my second season in league, will be quite interesting w/ the weather changes possibly interfering. Looking forward to it though. I have my new set of Ulti-cards to use and awesome teammates to learn from. I've been constantly thinking about how to promote this brilliant sport, I drew/traced this photo (from Everything Ultimate). Graphic below. Brodie, if you want one for yourself, send me an awesome pic via e-mail ( For anyone else interested, I'm not doing it for free ;)

Photo taken by Unknown. Will someone tell me who this player is?

Yes, I'm an Ultimate fan. I recently started to play real Ultimate this year. I say real Ultimate because the rules (USAU standards) apply in Tallahassee Ultimate League. I frequently played pick-up during and post college years in Cali.

Eight years passed, one hubby and 3 kids later I'm thinking, why didn't I get into it more when I was younger? Why didn't I hear or learn anything about this sport during high school or junior high? My mother did what she knew to do, put me into softball little leagues...gymnastics. My father taught me golf. And P.E. had intramural basketball, volleyball, track & field, baseball. But my favorite sport? Ultimate.

This past summer, I joined league for the first time and I learned so much. There are great people in this community, willing to teach and practice with anyone remotely interested. Random pick-up games throughout the city practically every single night. You're going to need that base since there are so many confusing terminologies to process.

How is it that my hometown, S.F. Bay Area has some of the best club teams (Revolver & Fury)  in the nation and I didn't know this game existed until I moved to SoCal. What's up with that P.E. teachers? I guess the game has gained popularity in recent years, now that it has a professional league (AUDL).

However, to my surprise it is yet to be a household sport here in Tallahassee. My plan along w/ Tallahassee Ultimate League's board (TUL) is to promote this game until everyone knows what you're talking about when you say, "Ultimate." Okay, that's a little ambitious, maybe not everyone but at least in this Athletic community or sports enthusiasts alike, who are traditionally supportive of football, baseball, soccer, and some others like kickball(?), disc golf(?), and other things I wonder why.

Why, as an Athletic community, wouldn't you participate in the fastest growing modern-day sport in the world? The rest of the country, Northwest, Midwest, and Northeast, have a reputation of strong junior leagues. There are talks about making this sport, a real team sport, an official Olympic game in 2016.

I have high hopes that my children will grow up playing this. I am not going to be just a soccer mom. I'm going to be an Ultimate Mom. But, will there be a jr. league ready for my kids' generation? While I wait for my little ones to get old enough to start running around, I will promote the sport. My daughter, at 5, can already throw. Watch out folks.

If you'd like to help me and TUL develop a youth league or to support us, email me. As for the ultimate players checking this out, if you'd like, I can draw your photo similar to the image above and donate a percentage of the proceeds to TUL.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Best Boba in Tally

My favorite & usual litmus test: Almond Milk Tea
Okay everyone. I just couldn't believe that here in Tallahassee, exists a decent Asian restaurant that serves really good Boba.

What is Boba Milk Tea?
Tapioca pearls served in any preferred milk tea you'd like. Go back to California, particularly Asian populated towns like Cerritos, Irvine, S.F. Bay Area, and you will find some sort of Boba tea shop or restaurants that will serve it.

Where in Tally?
I've been here a year, and disappointment after disappointment, I finally gave in and bought packages at Tally's token Asian store, Lynn's Seafood. Ranch 99 & H-Mart, holla!! Come to this town. TJ's is coming in a year, might as well jump on the bandwagon. Anyway, so yeah, I tried to cook them. Hit or miss, I got my Boba cravings fulfilled.

But one day, a dear friend invited me to join some new students from China to have lunch at China Delight located on Tennessee. I hear the snickers now. Yes, I know. I passed it several times and assumed there goes one of those Americanized Chinese Restaurants. Yet, to my sincere delight, it was truly a glorious day. Not only did I love their Beef Noodle Soup [Fresh. Beefy. Broth was delish. Noodles just the right amount. Huge bowl.] but I also deeply enjoyed drinking every drop of Almond Milk Tea. The Boba had perfect chewy texture. I found my Boba place.

So, after my second trip there, but this time w/ the hubs I got to speak w/ the owner's daughter. They moved in from New York City couple years back. Go figure. No wonder the quick service and yummy food. Other than the rice being a little dry, the food was fresh and didn't have a MSG headache afterwards. Here are some other delicious picks.

The other Boba place: Rainbow Frozen Yogurt

My hubs told me about how this place recently started serving boba. I said, "What?!" So since I happened to be running an errand nearby, I checked out the joint. It is definitely owned by Asians. With all the Chinese characters on the menu, there was no doubt. Granted the menu doesn't have 30 options of Boba like Tapioica Express, it still is commendable that they're trying out this market.

Cute and colorful inside, w/ a yogurt bar similar to Yogurt Land. There are enough tables to go around w/ flat screens on the walls, which makes it a fun lounge to hangout. Tried the Boba. It wasn't tough but still stuck together a few times. Milk Tea wasn't too sweet, which was good. China Delight will be my go-to Boba place. Rainbow's will be secondary, which still beats the rest of the places out there.

JH Creative: Business Cards

I finally can network w/ confidence because I at least have a business card. I also finished my portfolio, which always needs updating. When is a portfolio ever final?

I placed my logo on a 2.5 x 3 standard size vertical setup. Kept my life simple and chose fonts I already had. I have yet the money nor the disk space to collect the beautiful fonts out there. For the meantime, I'll just collect pretty images of fonts on my Pinterest board, Ty·pog·ra·phy

Contrast & minimalistic styles are one of my favorite things to do, which explains the design in part. I considered several adjectives while developing my logo and genre of my overall brand. Simple. Modern. Brief. Practical. "Less is More" philosophy. The black and white theme is consistent with my portfolio, which I recently updated. 

 My next project is to finally put everything online. Many artists alike find it difficult to keep an online portfolio fresh, new, and up-to-date. Probably because they're either busy working on clients' projects or in my case managing the house, children, grocery shopping, and cooking. Hence, blogging about their work (photography, paintings, designs) is the easiest and quickest way to do it. If you are interested in seeing my resume and portfolio. Please contact me at

Tally's Print Shop
After shopping online and driving around town, I found a trustworthy print shop. They're supposedly the best for quality results with quick turnaround. Someone recommended them. I wouldn't say the best quality, but for turnaround time they haven't disappointed me yet. I sent Durra Quick Print (DQP) a file that morning and they got 100 cards ready for pick-up that afternoon. All for $20. 

For all those w/ small businesses, do not go to FedEx Kinko's. Not only will it take all day to get something simple done but it will cost you an arm and a leg. I'd recommend Minute Man Press over them, but even Tally's local shop DQP beats MMP. So, I've got my go-to shop for small print jobs. I'm still looking around for the larger jobs I might stumble upon.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Julia Holly Creative: Resume Fall '12

For anyone wondering or maybe not even noticing at tall, why I have been awol (absent without official leave). I've been busy enough to not blog and trying to apply for a part-time design job. Honestly, if I had the choice I'd be happy focusing on my kids' school stuff and designing for free to help people out, especially small businesses or products I'm passionate about, or even sports like Ultimate.

However, in the real world everything costs money. Like, daycare, healthcare, and my basic need to buy cute clothes for every aspect of my life. Healthcare kills us. The hubs is pushing for me to work, so I finally finished updating my resume. Took a lot of tears and anguish for me to get everything I wanted and what he wanted put together, to complete it. Hope ya'll like it and please share with anyone who needs design support, or creative consultation.

Last Minute Flyer Request -> Great Results

Facebook Ad for VHN

Soooo, for those of my FB family and friends, there was a recent post by my lovely sister, Anna, who tagged me. No that was not exactly me on the flyer. I don't have the guts to wear a beautiful costume like that in public, however I did design the ad. The whole event came together last minute. I believe the gig was planned in advance, but all the promo and sound system worked out for the best for this talented dance group, Vai Hau Nui.

My sister gives me a call couple days prior, "Can you make a simple flyer for VHN?" My first thought, I have to turn in my resume but how can I turn this cool design opp down? I had to do it. After a couple emails, texts, phone conversations back and forth, I managed to put 3 flyers together for their choosing. One day later emailed the approved versions.

Another option for VHN

Turns out they were thrilled by the quick results, so they kept all 3. The owner of VHN posted 2 on facebook to promote their event at AT&T Park at the Seal Plaza during an SF Giants Game. The flyer was featured via FB that day and it was a great turnout. The seats were packed. I'm not sure if the flyer attributed to the successful event, but I was happy to be a part of helping my sister out. 

As a designer, I've got my nit picky self pointing out the imperfections with my flyers. But, according to my sister, everyone really liked them. Thankfully, VHN tagged me and gave me credit for the flyers, so hopefully I'll get opportunities from there. I've still got other projects to finish up and am in waiting mode to hear back from my clients. There are definite pros to last minute jobs.

Promo for classes
The flyer above contains the logo I received as a flat jpeg. Since I didn't have time to draw a vector out for a transparent background, I placed it above a white circle. This is the first design of the 3, so to begin with appropriate color palette I chose from the logo itself. Also, with all the rules broken using diagonal lines I felt it okay for a printed flyer, making it an interactive piece.

Of course, as I received more info. and images the design changed along the way. I recommended she print at one-hour Costco Photo Center, bc of their color accuracy and turnaround time. 

For last minute, all I can say is that they liked it and I'm satisfied. VHN wants me to help design their new web site. How exciting.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Very Julia Salad

Okay, folks. For those of you who know me. I've mastered a simple salad, well sometimes varies, but I must say everybody really likes my salads. I can hear my friend, Shifie, rootin' in the background.

In good ol' college days, I used to mix up some sweet and savory together. With the influences from the likes of Intermezzo and other fantastic local joints in Berkeley, I have to have delicious and affordable salads. No ICEBERG!!!! Please! I'm ruined folks. Can't stand restaurants that serve salads w/ iceberg. Hmmm! You call that a salad?

Okay, okay sorry the food snob awakes. To give some credit, Tally has Olive Garden and Cody's that offer decent salad dressing to accompany the iceberg riven salads they serve.

Sniff. Sniff. I miss you Bay Area.
Rich Poppy Seed
Thankfully, I can make decent ones. And I can still buy Brianna's dressings at Publix. I had plenty of practice during my Berk-town years, because I made salad weekly for my Christian home meetings. Hsu's small group, I miss you dearly!! Like, one time I made a humungous bowl for maybe 25 servings.

Can't forget about that one w/ an episode that went along w/ it. One guy said, "Why didn't you make more?" I for one found it as a compliment, and my very strong feminist of a pal (you know who you are chika ;] ) next to me snapped back at him and said, "That was rude." My nervous self, giggled away to end the conversation. Awkward. But funny looking back.

The recipe was something like this:
  • Mixed greens (from Berkeley Bowl)
  • Torn pieces of green leaf or red lettuce
  • Sliced carrots
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Sliced red onion
  • Dried cranberries
  • Diced mangoes
  • Diced apples
  • Sliced cucumbers
  • Candied walnuts or pecans
  • The best part (served on the side): Brianna's Poppy Seed Dressing
Note: I always served dressing on the side, w/ other options like Balsamic Vinaigrette. Sorry folks, I'm not a huge Ranch dressing fan.

Yes, more on the sweet side but balances out w/ all the greens and creamy dressing. No photo of that, but I have a special feature of my recent salad.

My friend has always described my salads, "A Very Julia Salad." Here is one simple one. I don't have names for these things. I just toss together what I like. May I add, this was strongly influenced by one of my closest friends, Di, best Asian cook I know. Her salad will be featured soon. ;)

Pardon the photography. I'm saving up for an awesome cam.

    Blush Wine Vinaigrette
  •  Mixed greens (pre-washed from Costco)
  • Sliced cucumbers
  • Sliced carrots
  • Canned sweet corn drained
  • Sliced red onion
  • Crumbled Feta
  • Dressing: Blush Wine Vinaigrette (I could drink this)

Did I say, "I could drink this?" Because it's sooo true.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Me LIKE Me New Logo

Julia Holly Creative is in motion. FINALLY. I've wanted to for years... I mean... YEARS to finalize a logo for my freelance design endeavors. And, now the kids are in school, and I can actually sit in front of a comp and focus. Focus? Really? Yes!!! Here is the visual proof of my process. Note: rough stages are purposely tiny so you copycats out there don't get shady with my work. Nu-uh girlfriends.

For the non-designers, here are the steps I took.

1) Sketch/Draw/Scribble
As tempting as it is for some of us digital peeps. No matter what I tend to go back to the drawing board because I just stare blankly at the screen. There's something to using a pencil/pen and paper and drawing whatever... whatever comes to mind.

What I call Chicken Scratch

2) Digital Thumbnails
Thumbnails means, they should be small. I used to have to churn out at least 10-20 concepts for my advertising/design classes. An instructor once told my class that in the real world you need around 100 to begin with. The key is to get out as many ideas in the beginning to weed out the really bad ones in your mind. Get it out of your system.

I love lining up the different digital icons. Logos look simple but the really great ones took a lot of work to get it that way.

3) Finalize and Narrow Down
After getting about 16 concepts (all different looking ideas) I started to do 2-4 variations of my favorites. As I started to feel great about one, I worked w/ some color.

4) The one. 
You know that you've found the right image or design when there's an immediate spark, "That's it!" I think I may have found the one. What do you all think?

That's it!
I'm not going to try to explain the reasoning behind my choices, but hopefully the design speaks for itself.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Following My Pins - What?!

Once in a while, I take a peek at who follows my pins. The phenomenon of Pinterest. I'm sure it has to do with several things, besides the fact that it's a beautiful, visually compelling way to surf the net now. Call it what you will. Online social window shopping. Online magazine. Virtual clipboard. Sharing ideas publicly. I believe part of the addictive factor is that we see that strangers actually like what we like. Oh my goodness, as of today 1,075 people repinned this cute but poor quality photo of a puppy sleep-hugging a teddy bear.

Pinned Image

I think that is my most popular pin so far. Way to be original. I just simply liked it. Saw it via (guy version of pinterest). Okay, okay. Pinterest is most popular among women.  But, there are still pinteresting men out there who know great design. Like, Mike D whom I repin from plenty of times. 
Paper Source 

Cost Plus World Market Logo 

 Profile Picture of San Francisco Ballet 
Anyway, so the point of this post? I'm just thrilled to find that the 3 featured companies above have either repinned some of my pins or began following my boards. Paper Source? What!? World Market!? Love that store!!! SF Ballet?! Absolutely, beautiful imagery on their boards. To celebrate, I've announced it on facebook and blogged it, hence this post. I'm not sure how they discovered me, but I'm guessing it's because I started pinning originally from their web sites before they created their own boards, except from SF Ballet. SF Ballet found this and repinned it. 
 rent-a-sleepbox (Moscow Airport)
The logos are linked to their pinterest boards if you'd like to follow them as well. In the meantime, I'll pin daily because I just love keeping/archiving beautiful photos and inspiring ideas.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tally Sushi: Sumo Sabi

Tallahassee for what it is, pseudo country/city/campus town, still has its hidden gems. Coming from the golden state, where everything I mean EVERY THING from food to clothes is right at your finger tips, it's easy to be critical. You don't have to drive more than a half hour to an hour to get to the next big city. You want sushi, you'll have to deal with choosing from 10 options in each direction. You want Trader Joe's, I had 3 to pick at Mission Viejo. Produce was sooooo much more affordable. I could cook whatever and whenever I wanted. Wherever you go in Cali, high chances are that you'd meet someone from out of town.

However, I've done some research and hubby's co-workers gave us a few recommendations. So, date night came and we picked Sumo Sabi. It was quite empty on a Thursday night, but still cute ambiance.

Hubby ordered a crunchy roll and I wanted to try one of their specialty rolls. I, of course, wanted to try their Sumo Steak Bowl. Gotta have the red meat since we've decided not to buy red meat for a while until ahem we catch up financially. Sweet hubby let me order a meal and I realize now that he ordered just sushi. Don't worry, I didn't let him starve and so we shared the bowl.

Photo taken with my Android, which explains the blah quality.
Cute plate...Isn't it?
Sumo Steak Bowl w/ Sumo Sauce & Terriyaki on the side.
They had a sauce bar with at least 10 options. The most popular is the Sumo Sauce, absolutely creamy and delicious. Not sure what's in it, but tasted like a nice blend of garlic, onion, sugar, sour cream. When my order of Sumo Steak Bowl came, I was delighted to see how huge of a bowl it was and the uber amounts of meat covering brown rice w/ yummy looking veggies. More for us, yay! I quickly got stuffed and my usual stingy self was happy to share the rest of the meat with the hubs.

It was on the affordable side, so hubby was eager to go to Sumo Sabi over my preferred place, Cypress Restaurant. But, it was fun to go to the other side of town near the campus about 20 minutes away. The juicy steak drizzled with their homemade sauce made the trip worthwhile. There wasn't much of a crowd making the night less interesting, but great food = great times with the hubby.

Review in Brief

We would come back for the sushi. Although reviews aren't as great on Urban Spoon or Yelp. We still would go again.

Hooray for Late Night Hours - Open til 3 a.m. Finding a place for a late night outing after the kids are down is hard to come by, in Tally. So I was thrilled to find out they were open past midnight. The bummer factor is that they don't have anything like shaved ice nor Boba Tea. I'd have to go to Gainesville for decent milk tea. Which we did get at Bento Cafe. Or, I can make my own to save myself an hour drive. Their milk tea was better than what any place in Tally could offer, but won't ever beat Tapioca Express, Guppy's, nor Champions at Irvine, CA.

Endless Menu - I think they had at least 100 options to choose from, which was personally overwhelming. They've got great corporate identity to begin with, but I would recommend a menu redesign. Potential client maybe?

No dessert Caught My Eye - With the literally hundreds of items, I didn't have time to glance their dessert selection. So, we went to Lofty Pursuits Ice Cream (Tally's Local Ice Cream Parlor). We found a review on this via Sweet Tea & Bourbon (local foodie blogger), whom I can agree with most of the time. Watch out Tally, Julia Holly is a food snob tasting her way through every restaurant (worth the trip of course).

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ballaas Games 9 (Tues.), 10-11 (Sat.)

Hot. Hot. Hot. Tally weather.

Well, the good news is that we won on Tuesday to play in the semi-finals, which was yesterday (Sat. 8/4). The bad news is we played against no. 1 seed first at 5:00 p.m. The sun beating hard that day and 5 less players, including one of our best ladies missing. Just warm-up alone was enough to make us drench in sweat. We had an advantage because it was red's 2nd game to play. But their advantages were, besides experience and young lads, that we had less players and they were already in game mode. They pretty much killed us with zone defense, shutting down our handlers. We had a rough game ending at 15-6. I think. Everyone made mistakes and it got intense among the teammates. However, we had one more game to play to compete for third place.

Uggggh. We all didn't seem up to playing another game. But, we all decided to just play for fun. No pressure. Just have fun out there. When we all loosened up, everything clicked. More solid points, no turns, no drops. I even caught a few midfield and made complete continuations. Scored a couple points. Yay. It was a fun way to end the night. Maybe it was best for my sake, that we didn't have to play as No. 1 seed that day, which meant 3 games in a row, on one of the hottest days of Tally. Don't forget to factor in nasty humidity. My hips and joints were sore by the end of the first game. But it wasn't too bad playing a second one, especially when the clouds and a slight breeze started to "cool" the air. My fan club (sister-in-law, niece, nephew, and the hubby w/ the kiddos) cheering on the sidelines with their homemade signs was a kind reminder to have fun.

Thanks Esther & Lily for the signs!

One opponent talking some smack halfway through the game, revving our captain up to play for fun but to WIN. And we sure did. As old as I am, I often asked to cover the handler because they don't run hard cuts. I needed a break from cutting badly. There were a few times the handler could've called a foul on me for contact during throws, but she was gracious. I don't know why I have difficulty blocking lately. Maybe I'm not willing to risk as much as I used to.

Anyway, we won 15-9. We still made some mistakes, but we shook 'em off and laughed it off. We had fun. Captain Cheese even called the cup-o-saurus defense. Eh? We formed a 6 person cup around the handler and made dinosaur sounds. It didn't work, which I think he knew. They scored a point. Oh well it was fun. We ended on a positive note and no tension from the loss before. The team took a group pic for me and signed their autographs for my up-coming team frame.

I told them one of these guys/gals will be famous one day. I know it.

 Barksdales Ballaas 3rd Place Summer 2012. May I add that's out of 10 teams. ;)    

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ballas' Game 8

Green on Defense. With my lady captain taking the lead.

Green vs. Blue: 8-9

This was a miserable game. For both teams actually. The blue team, ranked 9th, beat us by 1 point. What?! Our captain in the end attributed the last 3 losses to his poor handling decisions. He sent an email about it and apologized about hucking too many times, which led to several turnovers.

Captain Cheese Huck!

This game was not only miserable, we all tired out on the field turn after turn for up to 5-10 minutes per point. Both teams kept making terrible mistakes. Miscues. Hucks. Blue didn't handle and catch well. While we made poor decisions. And as usual, we didn't cut well. Our best players were tired from a weekend tournament prior, so it showed in the game that rest of the team just didn't do enough to win.

A Vertical Stack....Kind of.

There were a couple times I could've caught it to score, but the handler would throw it to someone closer. That someone wouldn't know it was for them because both of us booked to the end zone. I should always look back when "Up!" is yelled in case it was meant for me. I always assume that no one will throw to me midfield, because the times I did during the first half of the season I would throw at the wrong time. So, I'd safely expect that they won't trust to throw to me midfield and so I choose to run to the end zone to score. However, I learned in this game to also make sure that my teammate nearby knows to receive. If not, I have to catch the disc.

If there is no rain tonight, we play 5th ranked team, light blue. One game tonight to advance and compete Red or White Again on Saturday. We have to win 3 games in a row to win the tournament. Can we do it? We have the teammates to do it, but if we continue like we did last 3 games... hmmm. No me gusto. I'll have a fan club tonight, the kids, hubby, auntie, nephew, niece, and family friends. Hopefully, our team morale can stay intact.