Thursday, February 23, 2012

Was MIA but Back for now

Yes, lame I know. It's been too long. Well, after a long streak of blogless 2 months, due to I don't even know why. But, I have been pinning productively and yet not so much writing.  b ... es b... excuse the typos..gnt... that's my.. b b... 14 month old son swiping at the keyboard. Gee, now I remember why the long streak. My youngest, the third, has been on the go. Ever since he began walking with confidence he now knows what he wants. It's been rough. Constantly, grabbing him from climbing up a dining chair or stepping stool. He's climbing, meandering about the house. And yes, my son is down for a nap now. Yay, typing w/o interruption. On top of that, had a vacation to Orlando. Yay, Disney World in Feb. Not hot but still crowded. Then, the whole family gets hit with some flu. 

Trying to juggle the things of life: deciding what to do next for my career while trying to raise my children with a balance of love, discipline, and education. On top of that, my husband and I are pretty active with church matters so finding the balance of time for everything. I've come up with a few ideas. This is now just a brainstorm session and still trying to figure out what my point is. Yeah, Julia, what is your point?

Just to take a note of a few ideas:
Blogging about family history - I have no idea the details of my ancestors.
Printables - I see so many out there but not everything, so I'd like to make some.
Somehow linking my finds via Pinterest - It won't hurt to feature them here.
Main point about this blog - the contrasts between Cali and Tally
Portfolio work - Design work I'm actually proud of

Well that just about does it. I think this clears me up a little. I think.